Privacy policy

What data is collected and how?

We only use online forms to collect names, business addresses, email addresses, job titles and phone numbers that you have submitted. Data is not collected using cookies and other trackers.

How data is used and protected

I will only use your data to contact you about my services and products and to register you to receive my quarterly newsletters which you can easily unsubscribe from. Your data will be stored in a protected Google cloud server which is protected by strong data integrity and security measures. Your information will only accessible by me and trusted associates like my virtual assistant. Your data will never be sold to or shared with other parties.

How to control your data

I will hold your data until you tell me to delete or update it, the data is no longer required or the business no longer exists. To remove your data from my records, please email Your data will be removed from our records within 48 hours of receiving your email unless I am on holiday or away from the business. In which case it will be removed upon my return, typically no longer than two to three working weeks. You can unsubscribe from my mailing list using the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the newsletter or any email.