Employee pension communications

Problems promoting your pension?

Your employees want to better understand their pension and prepare for later life. They want to know how much they need to save for retirement and what their contributions should be to make that happen. Pension provider communications only go so far. Whereas a pension communications strategy ensures regular communication throughout the year to inform, remind and engage people about their pension. 

Help your people secure their financial futures

I’ll consult with you to create an employee pension communications strategy with the option to add clearly-worded, beautifully-designed communications that will: 

  • Increase your employees’ long-term financial awareness and support them to achieve the retirement they want

  • Help your employees appreciate the value of the pension you provide.

  • Inform and engage employees of all ages with their pension.

  • Encourage colleagues to enrol in your pension scheme through tailored communications.

Employee pension communication examples

Pension guides

Intranet copy

Posters and flyers

Social posts

Video explainers
